
Catching Up (from last week)

In my third period last week, we had Monday without computers, which I've already spoken about in my last post. Then, Tuesday and Wednesday, my students had computers, but the classes were rather unremarkable. Thursday brought wintry weather and a delayed opening, which effectively cancelled third period. Friday was then the review day before the test. I could have had laptops, but I decided my students really needed to work some problems, so I cancelled the computers and made them work on paper. It was a good work session, and I think they all benefitted.

Monday this week was their test.

Today, Tuesday, they set to work on a new topic: the t distribution, with laptops. As I had a small snack reward, I used it wisely in this class. As each person was about to be served snack, they had to reveal one thing they had learned about the t distribution. I was pleased at the result. Each student was able to complete this satisfactorily. They clearly were not copying each other's statements. They clearly were not all using the same sources. They all learned a little bit of something about the t distribution. One of my weaker students asked me what we do about degrees of freedom for a 2 sample t-test - a topic I will be covering a few days down the road in other classes. They covered a lot of ground today in a little time. Now, all I have to do is ensure that they are sharing with each other so all benefit.

We also had a brief discussion of homework. I have offered the possibility of continuing the homework policy, or of making homework a reference to what they need to be learning, and allowing each student who chooses to create their own work product that would take the place of homework as a grade. Tomorrow they are to let me know which they choose. If they choose the product, they can determine how they will show me their understanding. Should be interesting.

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