
Friday Lab

Today I am happy to report that more laptops were taken from the cart. Students still liked exploring the test prep guides (and I did buy two more last night), but more decided they might like to also explore some online resources. At the end of class, I quizzed them inference for the slope of a regression line. Those that focused on that today were able to answer my questions....what distribution do we use for inference on slope?....what degrees of freedom do we use? I think they answered better than my other classes would have; although, I did not quiz the other classes.

Still wondering what to do about the student who is so advanced yet not so motivated. I do think he is a bit burned out, so I am cutting him a little slack.


Thursday's Lab

Today, I allowed students to use test prep guides in class. I have a bunch of them, and I do hope they will be used by students in general. These hard-copy books were the hands-down favorite activity of the day. One student got his laptop, but the rest remained unused. I guess I should go out and buy as many of the 2010 versions as I can find tonight...

It is my hope that the students will again make more use of the laptops, but in the meantime, I will give them what they choose to use.

I am having one very advanced student who isn't making much use of his time. I am trying to figure out how to re-engage him.


Man, I need work on my multi-tasking skills!

I was just on an Eluminate session about 21st Century skills, and I was caught unawares and needed to cite  an article that I just presented on last month. It took me FOREVER to find my slides and the link to the article at the end. What a pain! I need to work on my skills, apparently. I squeaked it in at the very end, and maybe no one will click on my link, but if they do, they will see its relevance. Time will tell. I built a bridge, even if it was a small, rope one!

Back In Business Today

I tried to get the laptops this morning, but both carts were checked out to teachers on a different floor for periods before and after my class. I was told I could bring them to the lab instead. I said we would take a class vote to decide whether or not to decamp to the lab. Then, about an hour later, the tech coordinator called and said a cart of 21 machines was available. I said we'd take it! It worked just fine as not all wanted to use the laptops at once, and we have a few out. One of the sites the students found is quite popular. I need to spend more time looking at it. They seem to think the explanations on it are understandable.

That's all for today. Happy St Patrick's Day!


Low-Tech Today

I opted to do the food lab today instead of the experimental learning lab. Not all of my students have been exposed to chi-squared distributions before, so I thought they would be missing out if we skipped it. Plus, today was a day I had not reserved the computers. (Administration, after receiving complaints that we were hogging the computers, decreed I can reserve them no more than 3-4 days in a row.) Tomorrow is an unreserved day also, but I told my students I will try to get the computers in the morning. I know from experience that our teachers do not often use the laptop carts.

None of my students seemed to mind my executive decision. Sugar = good. We used Fruit Loops.


Last Week; Test Today

Last week was a resounding success - I was able to keep the laptop cart in my classroom all week. My students truly had laptop access whenever they wished during class. An administrator did a walk-through, Thursday I think, and observed a class full of students engaged in meaningful work. Some retreated to safety of book and paper work, but even when focused on solving a problem on paper, most will also login to the laptop for a quick online quiz or PowerPoint show. I asked them Thursday if I needed to do anything different for them to help them prepare Friday. They answered that they needed more work with matched pair t-intervals and tests. (Nothing another class would not have also said.) Friday was the day before the test, and of all my classes, this one seemed the most confident that they were prepared.

Today, the day of the test - my third period class had more early finishers than other classes. I peeked at their work, and wonder if they finished early because they inadequately documented their work, not because they were better prepared. Time will tell. I hope my strugglers will have done better because of the way I allowed them to work in the weeks before the test.

I have been thinking about our review unit and what I will do with this class. I may turn them loose on data/have them seek out data to analyze, rather than have them do the review problems everyone else will do. If I can structure it so they will have adequate practice, I think this is a viable strategy, and would be a lot more fun for them. They have access to SAS JMP, so they can use that for analyses...


Learning Lab

Monday - several are using opportunities to read through the book and work problems. Several are continuing to explore online. I did a demonstration today; most paid attention to that.

Tuesday - today I noted that many more were using textbooks & working problems. I am not sure what I think about it. I told them I am letting it happen, but I am not sure. Some who have found resources were invited to share what they found at the end of the period. That was a nice invitation back to the laptops, I think.

Neither of these two days were scheduled laptop cart days, but I checked last minute and no one else had them checked out. I also used the document camera both days. Helped a lot with the demonstration.

Working on inference for proportions...

ONE MAJOR ADVANTAGE to this learning lab concept - I have 2 students continuing to work on inference for means using the t distribution. They aren't holding up anyone. I told them they may have to put in extra time since they aren't where everyone else is, but they seemed to accept that.


Mostly a Thumbs-Up

I took an informal poll at the end of class today. I was watching especially those who had expressed reservations at the beginning. Some of them have converted to thumbs up. Most who expected good things are thumbs up. Quite a few of both groups are so-so. One thumbs down. I think I need to do more work to help guide some students. Research more websites and make lists of which are good for which needs students may have. Assist students more in using JMP for their own analyses. Overall, though, I am pleased. Students are much more engaged in this classroom.

I am viewing my classroom as a learning lab, with different options for students to choose, depending upon their needs at the moment.

We are finishing up with 2-sample t-tests/intervals and will begin with tests/intervals of proportions on Monday. Another thing is that this approach may make it easier to change the ordering of topics. Hmm. I'll have to think on that for next year. I might like to do that - have wanted to before, but inertia, you know.

I should mention that many students used their time to read the textbook and to try problems. I have decided to be open-mnded and let a student choose what he or she needs at any given moment.


Today's Progress...

...seemed slow to me. Maybe it was my mood. Most students found resources that engaged them and were using the laptops today. I gave them a little more direction to tell them where my other classes would be today and tomorrow. I think that helped most of them. However, some are really concerned and want to practice more problems together with me. I'll accommodate that in a small group tomorrow.

Surprising to me, when given the option of discontinuing homework in exchange for a project of individual design, all those present chose to continue homework. It must be noted that my current homework policy is universally accepted by students because it gives them freedom to skip one or two assignments every unit and still receive full credit for the homework portion. However, I really want to see what kind of projects students would come up with. Perhaps I will try again next unit and see if there are any converts.

On the plus side, this method of teaching benefits the class because I can spend my time and effort on the ones who need extra help, while not holding others back from their learning. I think this aspect has great potential for good.

The other teacher and I submitted answers to our administrator's questions today. I think we had a strong combined response. It is hard to say what may come of it, but it cannot hurt to ask for support for this experiment.

One other thing I have noted. I usually enjoy my third period very much. When my next class arrives, I am deflated to have to teach in a more teacher-centric manner again. I really like that class of students, so that helps mitigate this effect.

Glimmer of Hope

May be able to get dedicated laptops for the experiment, in conjunction with another teacher. Working on putting down some info to help others see the necessity! Hope at last!


Wintry Weather Again

We are on another 2-hr delay tomorrow. That means third period is cancelled. Again.

Catching Up (from last week)

In my third period last week, we had Monday without computers, which I've already spoken about in my last post. Then, Tuesday and Wednesday, my students had computers, but the classes were rather unremarkable. Thursday brought wintry weather and a delayed opening, which effectively cancelled third period. Friday was then the review day before the test. I could have had laptops, but I decided my students really needed to work some problems, so I cancelled the computers and made them work on paper. It was a good work session, and I think they all benefitted.

Monday this week was their test.

Today, Tuesday, they set to work on a new topic: the t distribution, with laptops. As I had a small snack reward, I used it wisely in this class. As each person was about to be served snack, they had to reveal one thing they had learned about the t distribution. I was pleased at the result. Each student was able to complete this satisfactorily. They clearly were not copying each other's statements. They clearly were not all using the same sources. They all learned a little bit of something about the t distribution. One of my weaker students asked me what we do about degrees of freedom for a 2 sample t-test - a topic I will be covering a few days down the road in other classes. They covered a lot of ground today in a little time. Now, all I have to do is ensure that they are sharing with each other so all benefit.

We also had a brief discussion of homework. I have offered the possibility of continuing the homework policy, or of making homework a reference to what they need to be learning, and allowing each student who chooses to create their own work product that would take the place of homework as a grade. Tomorrow they are to let me know which they choose. If they choose the product, they can determine how they will show me their understanding. Should be interesting.