
How did I learn on the first day (of the New Year)?

I was surprised to find so many avatars (40-some) gathered in Second Life to hear National Public Radio's broadcast of Science Friday! I thought I would be alone with crickets chirping, but no! There was an active chat going, which didn't impress me by its tone or content, but because of it I made a brief connection with someone after reading they have a degree in my field. What are the odds of that?

As a side note, today I caught a glimpse of my SL snapshot posted on this blog. I have learned SO MUCH since I did that! It seems to me that my learning has been at a very quick pace that I have set myself.
If instead I had been in the classroom and had been forced to wait for slower learners, I:
a) would not be nearly so far along; or
b) would have sped ahead in class and risked being called out for it; or
c) would have lost interest.
None of those options are acceptable to me for my own learning (when it is something truly important to me). Should they be acceptable in our classrooms?

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